Due to migration of ePayment database server and redeployment of applications the ePayment web site address has been changed from 07/12/2009 as below.
The ePayment communication exe has to be updated in all ePayment offices before connecting to ePayment central server on 07/12/2009.
1. Please unzip the attached file ePaymentCommunication.zip. Unzip it u will get 6 files
a. EBillCommunication.txt
b. EBillCommunication.exe.config
c. ptcmyscs_root.cer
d. RegisterCACft.txt
e. ePaymentServerObject.dll
f. readme.txt
2. Please change the extention of the following files as .exe.
Please change the extention of the following files as .dll
Please change the extention of the following files as .cer
3. Please go through the readme.txt and follow thw procedure specified.
ePayment New Communication Download Here