Re-register the following DLLs by using Regsvr32.exe, and then restart the computer:
C:\Program files\Common Files\System\ADO\Msado15.dll
C:\Program files\Common Files\System\Ole Db\Oledb32.dll
C:\Program files\Common Files\System\Ole Db\Sqloledb.dll
Use Regsvr32.exe to register the preceding DLLs.
For example, at the command prompt type (or) copy & paste and Enter OK
C:\>regsvr32 C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ADO\Msado15.dll
C:\>regsvr32 C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\Ole Db\Oledb32.dll
C:\>regsvr32 C:\Program files\Common Files\System\Ole Db\Sqloledb.dll
C:\>regsvr32 C:\WINNT\System32\Atl.dll